Yoga + Mindfulness

For the wellbeing of mind, body and spirit.

Public Classes by Donation

Kriya + Sound Monday Nights 6:30pm

A kundalini based practice offered by Nikki, that works with kriyas which are a specific sequence of physical actions that work toward a particular outcome. Kriya practice initiates a sequence of physical and mental changes that affect the body, mind, and spirit. There are kriyas to support the liver, balance the glandular system, stimulate the pituitary, and more. Each kriya has a different impact, but they work on all levels of your being at once. Sound healing will be used at the end of each class. In this class you will find, kriyas, mantras, meditation and sound healing to support your body, mind and spirit in the process of awakening. Sound Healing is incorporated at the end of each class.

Yoga + Sound Wednesday Nights 6:30pm

A mindfulness based practice offered by Rebecca, created to bring more space to body and mind so that one may access spirit. Rebecca leads breath work along with kriyas and mantras. Sound Healing is incorporated at the end of each class.

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Private sessions are available

email or text us.